With the continuous surge in video games these days, it is tough to differentiate between addiction and enjoyment. Gaming addiction has become so prevalent that it is ravaging the minds and behavior of most people. To surprise of many, they may not know that they are suffering from this condition. In fact, video game video game addiction has been classified as a health condition and risk to the well-being of its addicts. In this article, PlayFusion will examine video game addiction and share some thoughts on how to combat it.

What Is Video Game Addiction?

Video game addiction (VGA), also known as gaming disorder or internet gaming disorder, is generally defined as a psychological addiction that is problematic, compulsive use of video games that results in significant impairment to an individual’s ability to function in various life domains over a prolonged period of time. This and related theories have been the focus of extensive study, discussion, and debate among specialists in several fields, and they have caused controversy in the gaming, scientific, and medical communities. The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-11) 11th revision, which was suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO), later added “gaming disorder” to its list of diagnoses. When a person prioritizes gaming over accomplishing everyday obligations or pursuing other interests without consideration for the negative effects, it may be identified as a disorder.

Simply put, video game addiction is lack of self control over gaming.

Signs of Video Game Addiction

As stated earlier, those who are addicted to video games may not even know that they are. There is fine line between having video games as a hobby and being addicted to them. If you notice any or more of these signs, you may be addicted to games:

1. Poor performance at school, work and other aspects of life as a result of excessive video game playing.

2. A need to spend more and more time playing video games to get the same level of enjoyment

3. Being unable to limit playing time and making fruitless attempts to stop playing games despite the negative effects.

4. A deterioration in grooming or personal hygiene brought on by excessive gaming.

5. Deterioration of physical and mental health due to gaming

6. Being dishonest about how much time spent on video games

7. Spending excessively on video games instead of paying bills

8. Constantly thinking about video games

9. Loss of friends due to reduced touch with reality

10. Constant aggression toward people or things that limit playing time.

Why are video games so addictive? 

Researchers are still attempting to figure out what causes video game addiction and what makes internet and video games so addictive.

Video game addiction is influenced by a wide range of factors. But the fact that video games are made to be addictive is one of the key reasons why they can be so difficult to stop playing. Like anybody else seeking to turn a profit, video game developers are constantly looking for strategies to increase player engagement. In order to achieve this, they create games that are just difficult enough to keep you going back for more but not too difficult that you eventually give up.

Who can video game addiction affect?

Everyone can get addicted to video games. However, recent studies have shown that the male category have been more susceptible to this type of addiction. Children, teens and adults are mostly prone to this.

How To Beat Gaming Addiction

There are several tips to beat gaming addiction. One could consider the following on order to beat this:

1. Acceptance: The first step is acceptance. This is the first step towards solving this problem. Recognize the signs of gaming addiction, such as neglecting personal responsibilities, declining social interactions, and experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not gaming. Once you admit the problem, you empower yourself to take action.

2. Set limits and goals: Set limits on when and how long you spend gaming. For example, limit your gaming to 1 hour per day or only on weekends. Set and follow through with consequences for breaking limits around gaming.

3. Seek professional help: Things can be a little hard sometimes. In the event that you discover that it is difficult to stop, seek professional help. Counselors and therapists can help you understand the underlying causes of your addiction, create coping techniques, and aid you in developing a healthy relationship with gaming.

4. Make a schedule: planning what to do in a particular day at a time can go a long way. Making a schedule and following your laid out plans could be integral to beating gaming addiction. One should allocate sufficient time to other meaningful activities can help take your mind away from video games and help you to remember what to do and when to do it.

5. Recognize Triggers: identifying what causes you to slip back into addiction can help you tackle the problem. After recognizing the trigger, the next step is to create some sort of coping mechanism that would help in this case. Popular triggers could be stress, boredom and loneliness. One sure method to cope is to find either activity which could serve as alternative to gaming. Activities such as socializing with friends, engage in sport etc.

If you enjoy video games, you should keep track of how much time you spend playing them. This is especially critical if you’re neglecting other aspects of life like hygiene, social connections, and school and/or employment. These actions could be the first indicators of video game addiction.

Finally, gaming is a great activity to relax and a sure way to have fun. In its addictive nature, it is clear that it should not be abuse. 
