Gaming is an activity we all love to do, everyday, for the longest hours possible. However, the issue of comfort while gaming is of major concern.  In order to ensure comfort while gaming, you need the right set up. The most important aspect of this setup is the gaming chair.

The gaming chair is a unique chair for PC or console gamers that is made to support good posture while playing games.

Why do you need a good gaming chair?

The importance of a good gaming chair is very obvious. Gaming with its addictive nature can take up several hours of non-stop action. However, if this is done in a wrong position, it could cause serious posture problems. Such problems which could arise include back aches, headaches etc.

A good gaming ergonomic chair is important because it would ensure comfort and enable the gamer to enjoy his favorite activity. A good gaming chair should support the body comfortably, especially the back and arms, and as such would help the gamer to relax while gaming.

There are different types of gaming chairs available today. They can be generally classified into:

1. Console Gaming Chairs: these are specifically made for console gamers. They tend to come in a far wider selection of different forms and sizes and are considerably more versatile than PC gaming chairs.

2. PC gaming chairs: These chairs are made to fit behind desks, making them a fantastic option if you want to play most of your games on your computer or need a chair that can serve as both an office chair and a gaming chair.

3. Racing Simulator Chairs:  Racing simulator chairs are cutting-edge, expensive gaming chairs made especially for racing games. Typically, they are fastened to a ‘cockpit’ or frame so that you may mount pedals, a wheel, and other accessories for racing games.

Casual gamers can use some racer simulator chairs, and complex models are even used to teach racing professionals. These highly developed rigs can be quite pricey; they can occasionally run into the tens of thousands of dollars.


It cannot be overemphasized that choosing a good gaming chair is just as important as choosing the right device for your gaming. It goes a long way to affect the success of gaming. Here are some factors to consider in order to chose the right gaming chair:

1. Comfort: 

This is the first factor to consider. A good gaming chair should be able to provide the best comfort to the gamer to prevent posture problems. Due to the importance of comfort, you should check that your chair includes ergonomic features. Pressurized lumbar support, mesh lining, an adjustable back and neck rest, and the capacity to tilt backward are a few of these features. These characteristics are crucial for the health of your neck and back in addition to making gaming more fun.

2. Material/Upholstery: 

A good gaming chair should be made from quality materials. The chair should preferably have enough foam coated with fine leather or even carbon Fibre. In general, the material of the game should be smooth enough to relax the gamer, resistant to spill for gamers who like to snack while gaming, scratchproof and should not make the gamer too sweaty.

3. Body size: 

Since every person has a unique body size, not every chair is appropriate for them. The chair's ability to be adjusted for height is crucial.

4. Adjustability: 

This is an important factor because depending on a kit a factors influencing the gamer, he/she might choose to change the position or the setting of the chair. A good gaming chair should be able to facilitate this move. Look for armrests that are adjustable to your height and that can be turned out so they will not get in the way of your gaming movements. With your feet flat on the floor and your knees at a 90° angle, adjustable height features ensure that your lower back and pelvis are comfortable and sufficiently supported. Although you can purchase chairs with tilt controls that let you control the chair suspension, a good basic gaming chair should feature a levered hydraulic lift to modify your height while seated.

A chair that is not adjustable is not a good gaming chair.

5. Appearance: 

Although this is the least factor of importance, it should also be considered. A good gaming chair should look cool and appealing to the senses. It should be able to make the gamer want to play just by looking at it..

6. Compatibility: 

The chair of choice should be compatible with the type of games played. For examples, a gamer who enjoys playing racing simulation or a VR would likely go with a chair that has electronic capabilities to fit the racing rig or VR setup respectively. This chair would not be completely useful for a gamer who enjoys action games or open world games.

7. Durability: 

Without an oversimplification of things, a good gaming chair should be able to stand the test of time since it is going to in use frequently. You wouldn’t want to buy something today and replace it tomorrow. 

8. Cost: 

This is perhaps the most important factor on the list. A good gaming chair be costly but not too expensive. A gamers budget goes a long way to affect the chair he/she can purchase.

Gaming chairs can improve your gaming experience and perhaps make it safer. Although certain features are more expensive than others, you can choose features based on your system and gameplay requirements. Much consideration should be made from the above listed factors that are most compatible with your gaming lifestyle before making a chair purchase. There are many different gaming chairs available in the market. It is best to choose one that will provide you with the most enjoyable gaming experience.
