Another technology that has been making waves is the technology of 3d printing. The art of making computer aided designs and making the designed object in the shortest possible time is something truly wonderful. Some have said that 3D printing is slowly replacing conventional and traditional manufacturing and nobody is to blame. This is because this technology is very good, effortless and time saving. 

Here is an overview of 3D printing and what it is all about. 

3D printing or additive manufacturing is the construction of a three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model. It can be done in a variety of processes in which material is deposited, joined or solidified under computer control, with material being added together (such as plastics, liquids or powder grains being fused), typically layer by layer.

The phrase “rapid prototyping” was more applicable at the time since 3D printing processes were seen as only being suited for the manufacture of functional or aesthetically pleasing prototypes. The terms “additive manufacturing” and “3D printing” may be used interchangeably as of 2019 due to the advancements made in 3D printing’s accuracy, repeatability, and material selection. Some 3D printing techniques are now regarded as feasible as industrial production technologies.[5] One of the major benefits of 3D printing[6] is its capacity to create extremely complicated forms or geometries that would be impossible to create by hand, including hollow pieces or objects with internal truss systems to minimize weight.

As of 2020, the most popular 3D printing technique is fused deposition modeling (FDM), which makes use of a continuous filament made of a thermoplastic substance.

Utilizing additive methods, 3D printed objects are produced. In an additive process, an object is made by adding layers of material one after another until the product is made. It is possible to think of each of these levels as a finely sliced cross-section of the item.

Subtractive manufacturing, which involves hollowing out a piece of metal or plastic using a milling machine, is the reverse of 3D printing.

With 3D printing, you can create intricate forms with less material than with conventional production techniques.

So how do 3D printers actually work?

There are some similarities between traditional printing and 3D printing.  3D Printers use a variety of technologies.

The first step is making a 3D model using a 3D modeling software. These software allows you to make a model of what you would like to print in a printable file. After that, the next step is preparing the model for the 3D printer. This is called Slicing.

Slicing is the process of using software to divide a 3D object into hundreds or thousands of layers.

Your file is prepared for your 3D printer after it has been sliced. You may use USB, SD, or Wi-Fi to send the file to your printer. Your sliced file is now prepared for layer-by-layer.


All forms of 3D printing fall into one of the following types:

1. Binder Jetting

2. Direct Energy Deposition

3. Material Extrusion

4. Material Jetting

5. Powder Bed Fusion

6. Sheet Lamination

7. VAT Polymerization

8. 3D printing Materials 

Since the invention of the technology, 3D printing materials have advanced significantly. Every year, there are more and more materials that may be used for 3D printing as the market’s desire for certain mechanical and material features drives developments in material science. Given that each 3D printing technique is limited to a certain set of materials, it is hard to provide a comprehensive analysis of all 3D printing materials; nonetheless, some broad generalizations may be made. There are currently many distinct material kinds available, offered in various conditions.

Some of the materials are:

1. Plastics 

In the sintering process, nylon, or polyamide, is frequently utilized as powder, and in the FDM process, as filament. It is a trustworthy plastic material for 3D printing since it is sturdy, malleable, and long-lasting. 

2. Ceramics 

Ceramics are a relatively new class of materials that have varying degrees of success when utilized in 3D printing. The important thing to keep in mind with these materials is that the ceramic parts need to go through the same fire and glazing procedures as any ceramic component manufactured using conventional production techniques after printing.

3. Metals

For industrial-grade 3D printing, metals and metal composites are being employed more often. The most popular two are derivatives of aluminum and cobalt. Additionally, 3D printers employ stainless steel and Titanium as printing material.

4. Paper

Apart from your traditional printers, 3D printers also make use of paper. Objects made with paper are considered the best and environmentally friendly. 

Recently, there has been aggressive studies to improve the 3D printing technology to such as extent that it can print food and Biomaterials such as human tissue. 


So far, 3D printing has been used to make some objects such as footwear, Eyewear, prosthetics, flower vase, movie props, industrial products etc. The general applications of 3D printing are:

  • Successful commercial technology has been developed using 3D printing or additive manufacturing in the manufacturing, medical, industrial, and sociocultural sectors (such as cultural heritage).
  • Fashion designers are experimenting with 3D-printed bikinis, shoes, and gowns as 3D printing enters fashion.
  • Additive Manufacturing is starting to change unibody and fuselage design and manufacturing as well as powertrain design and production in automobiles, trucks, and airplanes. For instance, General Electric employs top-of-the-line 3D printers to create turbine parts. Many of these technologies are utilized for quick prototyping prior to the introduction of mass manufacturing techniques.
  • 3D printing has influenced weapon making in two ways: new manufacturing processes for established businesses, and new opportunities for developing firearms on your own.


Using 3D printing, designers may swiftly transform ideas into 3D models or prototypes (a process known as “rapid prototyping”) and carry out last-minute design adjustments. It enables producers to make goods as needed rather than in bulk, increasing inventory control and utilizing less storage space. People who live in remote areas can create items that are normally unavailable to them.

Practically speaking, 3D printing can be more cost- and material-efficient than subtractive methods since very little raw material is lost. It also has the potential to transform the manufacturing industry by allowing customers to download data to print even the most complicated 3D objects—like, for instance, electronic devices—at home in the future.

Indeed, 3D printing is a  cutting-edge technology that promises to revolutionise various industries by offering new possibilities for product design and functionality. 
