If there’s one thing all gamers love, it’s the experience felt while playing their favorite video games. This is so because these experiences leave a lasting impression in their minds.


This can be approached from the perspective of a developer and a gamer. 

The concept of a gaming experience includes not just gameplay but also the game’s overall design and effects. It’s the game itself, how it’s presented, how it’s played, how people engage in the community, what kind of community it is, and how a game affects how you see other games, other media, and the outside world. Like a game’s review scores, the quality of the gaming experience cannot be assessed and announced on the day of release. Gameplay from thirty and forty years ago is still being written about today.

While the game is always contained within the game experience, the game experience is always bigger than the game. What this means is that the game may end, but the gaming experience lasts longer. In general, gaming experience could be defined as what makes a game fun to play. 

Some may ask, what is the best gaming experience?

The answer to this question may vary but generally, the best gaming experience is attained by finding the right balance between the challenge and the reward. If a  game is too hard, people will stop playing out of frustration. If a game is too busy, it becomes boring. Consequently, a game should provide a gradual development of difficulty so as they play, they obtain rewards.

Here is how to improve your gaming experience:

1. Prioritize Comfort: Comfort is one of the most important factors to consider when trying to improve your gaming experience. Simply put, if you are uncomfortable, then might have a horrible gaming experience. Studies have shown that gamers who are comfortable play better. Part of comfort involves choosing the right gaming chair to specification, choosing the right sitting posture etc. Comfort while playing games will ensure the health of the gamer and sometimes people around him. 

2. Choose the best gaming area: A dedicated gaming room is better than other gaming areas. It would help reduce distraction and ensure privacy. Playing in an open area would make the individual susceptible to distraction, thus reducing gaming experience. Your overall gaming experience can be significantly impacted by the environment in which you play. A dedicated gaming area will undoubtedly increase your enjoyment of games. 

3. Invest in durable and quality equipment: Buying a good equipment is great, but buying a durable one will also be fantastic. Gamers have been known to be at their best when they trust that the gadgets they use are of good quality and will last them a long time. It will be hard to focus when all you can think about is how to replace a gaming equipment you’ve barely used. Also, using faulty equipment can impact the gaming experience. Imagine trying to take a headshot, when the aim should be incredibly still, then you realize tour controller has other ideas and starts drifting away. It is usually frustrating when your gear is not working properly. Some gamers always blame their gadgets when they do not do well. 

4. Choose a better network speed: This is important especially for those who play online games. The network speed will affect your experience greatly. During the game, lags in the network or a poor connection between the router and PC can be problematic.In order to minimize network lag when playing online games, you can also employ a gaming router.

5. Avoid distraction: Distraction from any source can cause problems because a momentary lapse in concentration would ruin a day’s work. . It would not allow one to focus on the game. Distraction can come from a range of sources including the surrounding environment, notifications from other apps, phone calls and the rest. One of the ways to Combat this is to enable Do NOT Disturb (DND). This will block all incoming calls and notifications. 

6. Snack Time: As mundane as this may sound, it is very important. Having something to chew or drink can help ease the tension while playing for a long period of time. Studies have shown that gamers can survive starvation for a longer period of time. However, this is not always the case because you cannot do anything with a growling stomach. Make sure you have some (healthy!) snacks and beverages nearby to keep you hydrated because gaming sessions can last for hours and cause players to lose track of time. You may minimize interruptions from crucial game times, have simple access to food, and maintain your required energy level by keeping snacks close to your keyboard.

It is important to note that snacks and drinks should be kept carefully to avoid spill. Spilling of drinks or any liquid on your gaming setup can damage the system. 

7. Play with friends: Playing with friends is very vital for numerous reasons. One being that it could help teach you what you need to learn about a particular game and it could also demonstrate how good you have become in the game. Playing against your friends is fun. It would improve your gaming repertoire and experience among friends. 

8. Take a break: Playing games can last for long hours. It is important to take breaks and do some minor exercises to avoid health problems such as backaches. Take short breaks between sessions, take a walk to stretch the Legs and hands. It does not do you any good if the body is cranky and all wound up. It dulls the experience.

Improving your gaming experience may be enjoyable and rewarding. Once experience is maximized, the memory of gaming will leave a lasting impression in the game’s mind. 
