There are tons of video games in the world today. We cannot stress it enough to everyone that the video game industry is at a stage of exponential surge. Because of this, gamers now have an endless list of video games to choose from. As far as your gaming system or platform can play it, all you just have to do is choose. However, this choice sometimes is the problem. Apart from certain players enjoying a particular kind of game, some games are simply better than others and are more enjoyable. Take the GTA series for example. The GTA series is made by one of the biggest video game companies in the world, Rockstar. There have been different instalments of the GTA series since inception. According to online polls, people have said that the most recent instalment, GTA V is the best games the company has ever made and gamers enjoy GTA V than GTA San Andreas or any other game that the company has made.

So this pegs the question: Why are some games better than others? The answer to this question is the same answer you would have when you ask what makes a game more fun to play.

Some games are made to appeal to our competitive natures, while others are made to satiate our social needs and the human urge to belong. Still other games have captivating plotlines where you play the role of the hero and are expected to carry out important tasks in other people’s make-believe worlds.

Some games are better than others for the following reasons:

1. An interesting storyline

The storyline of game matters the most. If a game has a good storyline, the players will have no option but to come back again and again to continue playing. A good storyline makes a good game. Some of the best and most beloved games of all time are remembered for the stories they told.

For whatever reason, humans love being touched, entertained, and encouraged by intriguing stories with memorable characters, plot twists, and more.

 Video game stories are now on par with those in books and movies. Even if a video game lacks in other respects, it can still garner a sizable fanbase if it has an engaging plot and compelling characters.

Most video game storylines are based on genres like fantasy and action since many people enjoy playing games that let them perform actions that aren’t possible in reality. For whatever reason, humans love being entertained, and encouraged by intriguing stories with memorable characters, plot twists, and more.

2. Great Characters

Sometimes, the main idea behind a game is forgotten but the character sticks with the audience. This could be because the character has some special ability or the character is so great that it resonates any time it is mentioned. An example is Master Chief of the Halo game series or CJ in GTA San Andreas or even Michael, Franklin to Trevor in GTA V. Even non gamer know this name whenever and wherever it is mentioned. These characters will forever be remembered for the role they played and how the characters were written.

3. Good graphics

As hardware improves, so do the graphics being presented to the player, and more and more games are gravitating toward a hyper-realistic experience to help the player immerse themselves, games boast realistic graphics that fit the world and style of gameplay the designers desired.

4. Systematic Challenge and Rewards

A game should present a suitable, yet increasing level of difficulty. 

To keep players "hooked" on a game, a competent game designer presents them with ongoing challenges, each of which triggers another challenge. Setting specific, short-term objectives that are appropriate for the player's skill level and the game's environment can help you achieve this. Each challenge should fulfil a certain learning goal.

Because of this, finding the ideal balance of challenge to reward is yet another hurdle that all game designers must overcome.

A game that is too difficult can discourage players due to irritation, while a game that is too simple would also likely dull players. The finest games are designed with a good difficulty escalation so that players are continually challenged and rewarded. For example, I quit Aram 3 because I was killed too many times despite setting the difficulty to recruit.

5. Good control scheme

The controls of good games have one thing in common, they are all easy to understand and use. They are not too complicated. They should not be too complex else the players may not realize the full potential of the game. An instance is the Mortal Kombat games produced by NetherRealm. Overall, the basic controls of the game is simple and understandable. However, the different button combinations for fatalities or brutalities vary from character to character. You have to be at a certain position, either far or near, whilst executing a combination of rather countless button commands. This can prove to be difficult for some players of not all.

6. Flexibility

Gamers prefer not to do the same thing all the time. They enjoy looking for different ways to achieve the gaming objective. This is part of what makes a video game fun to play.

7. Captivating Sounds

A game sound goes a long way to make a game better than its counterparts. To make the virtual characters and the setting feel more alive and realistic in video games, sound effects are necessary. They say that when the game music comes on, just know that the enemy is close by. This is a practical example of how game sound influences the game. A captivating sound will put the gamer in the mood, and make the heart beat faster while playing, as if the danger is real.

To conclude, we would like to state that Different players enjoy different games. However, some games are better than others for the reasons mentioned above.
