For every gamer, there’s a path laid out, choose to be a PC gamer or a console gamer. There is a never-ending debate on all gaming forums on which platform is best for gaming. However, this argument seems futile because there really isn’t any clear-cut answer but one thing is certain, the number of PC gamers is getting far more numerous than PC gamers. According to a recent study, there are 3.1 billion gamers worldwide who use a variety of platforms, consoles, and mobile devices, with PCs accounting for 48% of all gaming activity.

With the way the gaming industry is headed, console gamers are getting outnumbered and here is why:

PCs are upgradable
PC players may keep on the cutting edge of video game technology by upgrading the components within their PCs whenever they choose because each component is simply detachable. Conversely, console users are largely constrained by the hardware that came with their consoles when they were first released. They are unable to use new breakthroughs in video game graphics or replace old components to make games seem better.
Since consoles cannot be upgraded, they are essentially useless as soon as they are released. Additionally, it means that PC gaming always offers better graphics than console gaming because processing power is constantly improving whilst consoles are stagnant.

PC is easier to maintain and repair. 
A PC’s modular design makes it much simpler to maintain and repair than it is to update. Simply unplug the failed component from your motherboard and install a new one if necessary. Console repair can be difficult, therefore you shouldn’t attempt it unless you have prior experience. The best course of action in the event that something goes wrong with your console is to send it somewhere to be fixed or replaced by the producing company as opposed to opening it up and attempting to fix it yourself. In fact, doing so will nullify any system warranties you may have.

PCs can be multipurpose 
One of the benefits of using a PC for gaming is that you can use it for other things than gaming. A PC can do so much more than playing games. It can be used to perform any feasible activity in the digital realm. 

Customization and versatility 
PCs can be customized to the liking of the gamer. Naturally, with some modifications You can update the processor, add a graphics card, or even use an SSD. You can modify the system as you see fit. The customizing options on a computer are vast.

Superior Graphics 
A PC’s power enables you to play games at their absolute best in every way. Graphics fall under this as well. PCs feature the best graphics cards available, which are focused on visual fidelity. Additionally, PCs have a significantly greater FPS rate. Depending on the situation, FPS can mean many things in video games. However, we are speaking to frames per second in this instance. 

Availability of games 
In general, PCs have more games available than consoles. Many games are developed first on the PC, then later transferred to consoles. Some games will debut on PC first because porting can be a labor-intensive procedure for creators to finish. Computer games are widely available. On consoles and mobile devices, you can play countless games. PC games, however, are a step ahead. Online retailers that produce PC games can be found, such as Steam and Epic Game Stores. Additionally, there are occasions when you can play console or mobile games on your PC.

Backwards Compatibility
If you have a PS5 for example, you can use it to play PS4 games only. It means PS3 games are long gone. The way PCs and PC games are made, PCs can play older games. It implies that you can use a PC to play both new and old PC games whenever you want. You can now play more PC games thanks to this.

PCs are cheaper than consoles
Yes, there are personal computers that are very expensive, but a low-end PC or a medium-end PC is much cheaper than an average console. This goes to show that PCs are much cheaper than consoles. Also, PC gaming platforms like Steam and Origin are far quicker to announce promotions and discounts than their console counterparts, even though console platforms are catching up. 

PCs are more adaptable than a console due to their capacity to run a complete desktop operating system. On a PC, for instance, you can use Microsoft Office to complete some tasks and run other programs that are simply unavailable on consoles. In that regard, PCs do provide more value than consoles.

Simply, a PC is much more powerful 
Compared to consoles, PCs are much more powerful. Gaming consoles are essentially simply small PCs with many of the same features when you break them down. But in order to fit a computer within a comparatively small gaming console, some compromises must be made. A PC is ultimately much more powerful than any console. They simply run games better as a result.

The rise in PC gamers can be attributed to a host of factors that make it acceptable and appealing to all gamers. However, it is important to note that PC gaming has not reached its fully capacity. This is because more powerful versions of the various parts of gaming PCS are being produced everyday. Also, with its capacity for data processing, PC gaming can be integrated with the latest advancement in technology such as AI, Virtual Reality, Upscaling Cloud gaming and many more.
In summary, PC gamers are taking over, although the debate of which platform is better is far from done. 
